Beliefs? Who Needs ‘Em?

It sure would be fun if Niels were here to speak his one-of-a-kind mind about What’s Happening Now. I wonder how he would connect what he says in this definitive video that BuFoon Peter Wiant made all those years ago?

Or there’s this:

“Basically I think that art and religion is the same thing. It’s two sides of the same coin. Spiritual is different. But any spiritual practice you still have to have some kind of artistic practice with it. Maybe you don’t. Maybe there’s pure spiritual practice, I don’t know. Maybe you can be complete spirit. But soul, the expression of soul, you express that in two ways – soul religion and soul art. That’s my understanding. That’s how soul is expressed. Soul is what sees the beauty, goodness, and wholeness. That which in you sees that. The ego cannot see it. The ego cannot see goodness, cannot see wholeness, and cannot see beauty. The ego sees strategies to get security and power. And sometimes if you are identifying with the ego you think that those things make you happy. They are only in the way.” from David Chadwick’s Interview II With Niels Holm

BuFoon Steve Gillard

The BuVu of Harry Dean

We lost a great one when Harry Dean Stanton moved on. There’s something BuVu about this clip from his last movie, Lucky. Reminds me, in a quirky way, of Niels’ BuVu precepts: Be Truthful and Be Kind.



Nadia Bolz-Weber

Along with Brennan Manning, who died before I knew about him, this lady preacher (the one on the right) is the one who convinced me that I had completely misunderstood the Gospel, in spite of being raised in Fundamentalist Christianity and having an undergrad degree in Biblical Lit from Seattle Pacific University. Sue and I, and a friend, had a chance to see her, live, in Seattle a couple of years ago. Absolutely stunning.

She has a book coming out soon, to join her two NY Times best sellers, Pastrix and Accidental Saints. Can’t wait.


See what you think. If you like this 5-minute bio, there are several more excellent videos on Youtube.



BuFoon Steve Gillard

Niels Holm Interview

This morning I am re-reading a wonderful interview David Chadwick did with Niels, a few months before Niels moved on to whatever comes after this earthly go-round. It’s a wonderful piece, and not just because it had this buried a ways down:


Click on the header from David’s website to read the entire interview (and more, if you like.)



Easter With Pastor Crist

I grew up going to Church (fundamentalist, evangelical) at least three times a week. I’m down to no times a week and have been from many years, but I might reconsider if I knew there would be a Pastor Crist. At least on Easter:


“No we don’t have ministry time, we do have a petting zoo though!” John Crist imagines what church pastors are like on Easter, the Super Bowl of Christian holidays.


Happy Easter,
BuFoon Steve